Two of my photos were selected to be part of the exhibition “A Long Way Down: The Grandeur, Grit and Humanity of the DC Metro.”
The opening will be next Sunday June 5, between 5 to 8pm at metrobar DC (640 Rhode Island Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002 ) and find your free tickets below. “
A Long Way Down…” presents the work of a dozen DC-area photographers who document the grit, the weirdness, the grind and the humanity of life underneath the nation’s capital.Photographers in the exhibit: Alain Lázaro Gutiérrez Almeida, Kelly Bell, Robb Hill, Stacey Lewis, Geoff Livingston, Rengim Mutevellioglu, Angela Napili, Julian Ortiz, Victoria Pickering, Bekah Richards and Arpita Upadhyaya.
The exhibition was curated by Focus on the Story founder Joe Newman and was generously sponsored by metrobar, an outdoor venue in northeast DC that has a DC Metro subway car as its centerpiece.”A Long Way Down…” is part of the fifth annual Focus on the Story International Photo Festival, a month-long celebration of photography in the nation’s capital. Learn more about the festival at https://focusonthestory.org/